Tokyo FM Celebrates Music of Haruki Murakami with new program Murakami Radio

TOKYO FM’s music program “Murakami RADIO” (last Sunday of every month from 19:00 to 19:55), in which the writer Haruki Murakami acts as a disc jockey.
Tokyo FM announced the success of its first broadcast of Murakami Radio, a new program celebrating the music of renowned artist Haruki Murakami, who also acts as the presenter. It airs every last Sunday of the month, 7 pm.
The show was piloted with the theme “The Haruki Murakami Library” from Makoto Wada Record Collection.
Murakami’s music has always been honored at the station as a live event, but this time Tokyo FM turned it into a regular program.
Mr. Murakami himself presents and talks about music at a studio built at the Waseda International House of Letters (commonly known as the Haruki Murakami Library), which opened in October last year.
The theme of this public recording is “From Makoto Wada Record Collection”. Makoto Wada, an illustrator who died in 2019, has a close relationship with Murakami and has worked on many bindings and illustrations for Murakami’s works.
This time, the station introduced the record collection that Mr. Murakami carefully selected from the huge number of records left by Mr. Wada and donated to Waseda University, along with valuable episodes and explanations