5 Bonus Jingles Can Be Yours #ThisIsNoAprilFools


Amazing news from PURE Jingles!

What about a new sound to literally drive your brand home?

In a COVID-19 world, many listeners are working from home. While staying inside means less ‘radio time’ in the car or at work, it’s also a huge opportunity to reclaim radio’s position in living rooms and home offices — “Alexa, play [insert your station name here]!”

Your audience can choose from a LOT of entertainment (TV, Netflix, gaming), so put your best foot forward (‘in the door’) by offering listeners the best experience! Now may actually be the time to invest in your brand, and PURE Jingles will make it easy for you:

Get flexible payment conditions and… 2 amazing deals:

When you order a JingleBox package between now and July 1st, you’ll get:

• 2 bonus Jingles when you order 5
• 3 bonus Jingles when you order 10
• 4 bonus Jingles when you order 15
• 5 bonus Jingles when you order 20 JingleBox Jingles

When you order a Starter package between now and July 1st, you’ll get:

• 5 bonus Beds + 5 bonus Drones with every Starter package

The PURE Jingles team is waiting for you now, so get in touch with them using the page below https://purejingles.com/#contact