LFM Scores Big With Unique Sonic Design By Brandy

LFM, the commercial market leader in French-speaking Switzerland, has taken its audio branding to the next level. Several programs now kick off with a new opening theme, the top of the hour has been updated with a modular structure, and the station jingle package has been expanded. In addition, a group of DJs have received custom name jingles. LFM is part of the Media One Group, which has been partnering with Brandy since 2015.
This marks the fourth consecutive expansion of LFM’s sonic branding. This time, the imaging update is based on tracks originally composed and produced for Germany’s Bayern 1 and JOE in Belgium. The tracks have been customized to seamlessly integrate with LFM’s existing package, adding freshness and authenticity to the station sound.
Have a listen to the aircheck https://soundcloud.com/brandingcompany/lfm-habillage-2023