New 2022 Jingle Package for Omroep Flevoland by Sonic Spring

Sonic Spring announced the launch of the 2022 Omroep Flevoland jingle package.
Here’s a selection of cuts Sonic Spring made for Full Service Hot-AC station Omroep Flevoland in The Netherlands. This is an extensive package with sung and logo based ID’s and beds in many variations.
“Omroep Flevoland has an extensive jingle past. It all started with the wonderful trumpets from the studios in Dallas United States. In the year 2022, Sonic Spring has made a tailor-made package that suits this time. Modern, cheerful, businesslike. All ingredients of a full service station have been processed. Even the commercial break openers are a joy to listen to’
-Rob Brouwer (Editor Visual Radio)
-Aernout Pleket (Audio designer Omroep Flevoland)
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