Sky Radio’s Power To Higher Top-of-mind Positioning
When you’re aiming to energise your playlist while connecting your brand to top songs, consider the use of power intros! Sky Radio in the Netherlands has received another couple of batches of these branded hit songs.
Power intros are memorable
“Power intros are excellent tools to claim your ‘A’ category songs as a part of your station’s brand”, Thomas Giger of PURE Jingles explains. “Distinctive branded intros that have been repeated often enough will stick in people’s minds. Chances are they will associate that great-testing song with you.”
This strategic branding value can also translate into ratings: “Hearing the normal version of that song, even on another station, listeners who know your power intro will often hum YOUR station name along the melody of your branded version. It’s one of those miracles of audio branding! Sung melodies are memorable, research shows.”
Branded intros work everywhere
“In diary-measured, recall-based markets, your station can get extra listening credits as people may THINK they’ve been listening to you – while it may actually could have been a competitor. Especially when the other station doesn’t have their own power intro version or doesn’t precede the song with imaging.”
Branded intros also add value to PPM-market radio: “Power intros are contributing to higher top-of-mind positioning. And just as important: they’re flow-friendly. Dropping the imaging on the song, instead of in between two songs, helps to achieve forward momentum. Short jingle cuts work well too, especially in front of ‘no-intro’ songs.”
Sky Radio’s new power intros
Check out highlights from Q2/’22 at And when you’re looking for branded intros tailored to your own radio station, you can explore the monthly-updated ‘PURE Intros’ service at