Indonesia Uses Power of Radio, New Media for Education Amidst Health Crisis
Since the Indonesian government decided to conduct learning, work and worship activities at home since March 16th. All schools and children are currently adapting a study at home approach using radio and online media.
Many breakthroughs have been made by the government so that children can learn optimally at home. One of them is a learning program through Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI). As reported on the official website of RRI, a special program schedule for home study is broadcast on Monday-Friday through the RRI Programa-2 network and can be enjoyed in all regions in Indonesia.
“The learning program in Program-2 is a program initiated by RRI in this health crisis period. So that this program is held every Monday to Friday starting at 10 to 11 Western Indonesia Time (WIB),” said Director of LPP RRI , M Rohanudin in a press statement at the Media Center of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 BNPB Graha Building, Jakarta.
All subjects are guided and delivered by teachers who are competent in their fields and accompanied by interactive question and answer sessions. For regions that cannot access RRI channels manually. RRI launches the RRI Play Go application which can be downloaded at Goodle Playstore for android users and in the App Store for iOS users.
“That is downloading the RRI Play Go application, you can see it on pro1, RRI Takengon. Younger siblings can listen to how to learn by air, all subjects will be delivered by competent teachers, “said Head of LPP RRI Takengon Darno.