Mayor Lauds Newly Launched ‘Radio BugiaNen’ for their Initiative

In recent weeks, many private individuals in Italy have also chosen to actively contribute to spreading the appeal to stay at home promoted by the government. This is the case of Andrej, Carlotta and Eugenio, three Bardonecchia boys aged between 24 and 26, who made the words of their mayor Francesco Avato their own and inaugurated “Radio BugiaNen”.
“In life we take care of something else”, explains Andrej Bosc, creator of the initiative. “I am a graphic designer, Carlotta is a massage therapist and Eugenio is a ski instructor. One morning I proposed to them on WhatsApp to create a web radio to keep our fellow citizens company during the quarantine and to encourage them respect the “BugiaNen Bardo” campaign started by the mayor. The afternoon of the same day we were already on the air, strictly separated, as required by the decree.”
The initiative, sponsored on social media and by word of mouth, has met with great success in the country, so much so that the first live recorded over 170 listeners and the city supermarket also chose to broadcast the program.
“We are on air every day from 5.30 pm to 7 pm” – explain the three boys, aka Bosc, Otta and Genio. “After the first half hour of music, the live program followed which is focused on the health emergency. In addition to reading ordinances, decrees and measures, we contact a representative of local institutions on a daily basis, to allow listeners to stay updated on what is happening within our territory. Each episode remains saved on our site and can be listened to at any time“.
Numerous guests have already attended the broadcast. Among them the commander of the company of the Carabinieri of Susa, the head of the Red Cross of Bardonecchia and the mayor of the city Francesco Avato, who dedicated a special mention to the initiative of the three friends also in a video message addressed to the citizens. “Bugia Nen is an expression deeply rooted in the Piedmontese tradition and therefore easy to understand – stressed Avato – the boys have perfectly understood the meaning of my message and are spreading it with intelligence and sympathy. As a demonstration of the fact that each of us, by adopting responsible behavior, can make a difference.” You can check out their website using the page here