Nashville Country Music Insider Joins Benztown’s AmeriCountry Radio Prep Service, Boosting Audio Library
The advanced Country radio show prep service AmeriCountry has teamed up with veteran Nashville-based Country radio host and correspondent Becca Walls to provide Country artist audio for AmeriCountry affiliates, according to Benztown, a world leader in radio imaging, voiceover, programming, and jingles. The brand-new AmeriCountry material from Walls include brand-new audio from backstage, award shows, and one-on-one interviews with the hottest Country singers and upcoming musicians alike, as well as topical audio, romance set-ups, and more.
Walls has been a well-known Country radio DJ and on-air correspondent at Cumulus Nashville’s 103.3 Country/WKDF-FM for 16 years. As in-house talent interviewer and director of audio content creation for Big Machine Radio and the BMLG Weekly Prep, she is currently employed by Nashville’s Big Machine Label Group. As “Sweet Becca from the Country Mecca,” Walls also contributes daily news reports from Nashville to the nationally syndicated radio program Bud and Broadway.
Jason Hillery and Mike Marino co-founded and co-produced AmeriCountry, which delivers stations new show content that is specifically targeted to and resonant with Country radio audiences. The platform is user-friendly, making Country show preparation simpler and more thorough than ever.
Working with Becca on anything—literally anything—is a home run, according to AmeriCountry Co-Founder and Producer Jason Hillery. “Having her on our production team at AmeriCountry is something we’re incredibly grateful for,” he added.
AmeriCountry has assembled a bonus zip file with 100 topic starters, including caller audio for each, available to stations that sign up for AmeriCountry now. For more information, visit