Dave Foxx Talks About Your Station’s Imaging This Fall


RapMag.com’s October 2011 issue is out and loaded with helpful articles.

Highlights include this month’s topic for Q It Up “How do you know what to charge for your freelance work?”

Dave Foxx’s Production 212 Column is tackling on your station’s imaging this fall. The title goes “Number One? At What, Exactly?”

Here is an excerpt:

“It’s time to slim down. Fall is upon us and with it comes a LOT less cover. The flab we’ve been working on since before the Summer began, needs to go… and no, I don’t mean fat! I’m talking about all those sweepers that are crispy-fried critters, lurking in the system, played out beyond anything that could be called reasonable. Oh, come on. We all do it. We produce a bunch of sweepers that everybody loves and then don’t think about them again until a few months later as we drive home and hear one. Oops.”

Also check out an article by Jeffrey Hedquist – “Radio Hed: Whole Brain Radio”, Steve Cunningham – “Test Drive: Compassion and EQuality from DMG Audio”, and Trent Rentsch – “…And Make It Real Creative: One of Those Days”.

Get the whole story! Subscribe to Radio And Production!

This week, Z100 had already aired its first promo for the Jingle Ball 2011 event. Listen to the promo below.