Dave Foxx On The JingleBox Launch


I remember it was in 2002-2003 when I first became active on social media ( the word was not even invented then) and radio production.

JingleMad.com was among the first websites that I got hooked to. Of course the website is geared towards jingle enthusiasts, collectors and not much really on radio production.

My good friends Paul McGrath, Neal Bowden, among many are the ones I see as those passionate about radio, they too also launched JingleNews.com and MP3Airchecks.com, now AircheckDownloads.com.

I got into the radio imaging and production blogging in 2004. This is when RadioJinglesPRO.com was first born.

Now, I am happy that there are lot of our friends in the business that have taken advantage of blogging and social media to share and inspire many aspiring radio producers and voice talents. Even the PROs also need to connect and be inspired.

Among those who just launched their own production blog is Raul Segurra from Spain, you can go visit http://thejinglebox.wordpress.com/. It’s in Spanish, but don’t worry, you can translate it to English, just type in the address on the translation box link here http://translate.google.com/. If you are using Chrome, it should automatically prompt you to translate. Below is a montage of production works by Dave Foxx as an initial salvo on  The JingleBox.

Why Blogging? Why Social Media?

I have three words, outlet, inspiration, and  connection.

Facebook, Twitter, and Sound Cloud recently is now the home of many radio producers and voice talents who share and find connections.

Here are some websites that I recommend you subscribe to.

  1. www.DaveFoxx.com
  2. www.BenztownBranding.wordpress.com
  3. www.RyanOnTheRadio.com
  4. www.RadioILoveIt.com
  5. www.JingleNews.com
  6. www.earshot.tvi.gg

If you know of any website, blog, Facebook page or group or SoundCloud and Twitter accounts, let us know and hit comment below. And we will feature it!